Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Sobhi BoustaniProf. Dr. Mahir Mahdi Hilal


Prof. Dr. Sobhi Boustani

He obtained his first doctorate Degree in Modern Arabic Poetry from Sorbonne University in Paris. Also, he won his second Doctorate Degree in Modern Arabic Poetry from Strasbourg University in France.

He has been promoted in positions until he achieved the professorship. He was a member in many associations and councils: the Office of European Society Management for Modern Arabic Literature (Still until now), the Academic Council of the same institute, the National Council of the French universities, and the Arbitrating Committee of the International Prize for the Arabic Fiction (BOOKER) in 2013.

He occupied many administrative and academic positions: the Director of Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean Research Center in National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations in Paris until the present, President of the European Association for Modern Arabic Literature until May 2016, and previously the Head of the Arabic Language Department for many years in the National Institute in Paris. He has been a lecturer of the Modern Arabic Literature in the Lebanese University in Beirut, and many French universities such as New Sorbonne – Third Paris, etc. He authored many published books and researches about Modern Arabic Literature in poetry and prose in Arabic, French and English.


الأستاذ الدكتور ماهر مهدي هلال .

حصل على بكالوريوس اللغة العربية وآدابها من كلية التربية جامعة  بغداد عام ،1967 . ثم على الماجستير من كلية الآداب جامعة  بغداد عام 1975 . ثم أخيرا على درجة الدكتوراه من كلية الآداب جامعة بغداد عام 1978م. تدرج في المناصب الأكاديبمية حتى وصل إلى درجة أستاذ.  رأس وشارك في عمل العديد من اللجان التربوية والعلمية والدراسات العليا .

Prof. Dr. Mahir Mahdi Hilal                            

He obtained the Bachelor Degree in Arabic Language and its literature from the Faculty of Education in the University of Baghdad in 1967, then the Master Degree in Arts from the Faculty of Arts in the University of Baghdad in 1975. Finally, he gained his Doctorate Degree in Arts from the Faculty of Arts in the University of Baghdad in 1978. He has been promoted in different positions until he acquired the professorship. He has headed and participated in organizing numerous educational, academic and postgraduate committees.


وتقويم البحوث والكتب والدراسات المتخصصة /في الجامعات / جائزة دبي للقران الكريم / وعضوية لجنة التحكيم في جائزة العويس الثقافية . وشارك في العديد من الندوات والمؤتمرات العلمية المحلية والدولية التي  تخص اللغة العربية وآدابها داخل القطر وخارجه شغل عدة مهام وظيفية وتعليمية ، كان آخرها :أستاذا في الكلية الجامعية للأم والعلوم الأسرية جامعة عجمان وحتى إلى الآن .له العديد من الكتب والبحوث المنشورة ، منها على سبيل المثال :رؤى بلاغية في النقد والأسلوبية/ المكتب الجامعي الحديث/ الإسكندرية 2006 .  ولقد أشرف على العديد من رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه في جامعة بغداد والمستنصرية والموصل ، وجامعة محمد الخامس / وجامعة عدن في اليمن.

He has been evaluating researches, books and specialized studies in a number of universities, and Dubai International Holy Quran Award. He was appointed as a member of the arbitrating committee for Al-Owais Creative Award. He participated in local and international academic forums, symposiums and conferences about Arabic Language and its literature inside and outside the country. He occupied many administrative and academic positions, the last position of which is a professor in the University College of Mother and Family Sciences, Ajman, 2010 – now. He authored many published books and researches such as Rhetoric Visions in Criticism and Stylistics, Modern University Office, Alexandria, 2006. Moreover, he supervised many master and doctoral dissertations in the University of Baghdad, the University of Al-Mustansiriya, the University of Mosul, the Mohammed V University, and the University of Aden in Yemen.